Treadmills - How to Buy

Not all of the time you could run outside to get in shape.

That's the number reason why treadmills are here. Bu before that let me share to you a fact. Most people in the United States share a common problem, and that is being overweight. This is because of the technological advancements and innovations that we are currently basking on. We tend to forget about being active because of it. Long ago, if we wanted to have a game of basketball against friends, we go to the ball park and play it, old school style. Nowadays, if we wanted to be competitive with our friends, we go online on our XBOX or PS3 or PC and play Modern Warfare and other games. People even avoid walking from one place to another. They ride on the way to work even if it's only three blocks away or they avoid walking buy riding Segways. Anyway, this is not a good practice. Not only that it shows how lazy you are as a person, it is also bad for your health. If your body is not active, it is more likely that you would develop heart problems and also you would gain a lot of weight because of the stored excess sugar and fats in your body.

Now to avoid that and to avoid not being on that list of people who day each year of heart disease and stroke, there is only one way to fight it off and that is to exercise or work out. There are many types of exercise that you could do. You could jog around the neighborhood or you could work out on the gym, whichever you may prefer, it's all good. However, it's not all the time that you could jog, not all the time the weather is good and also jogging could hurt your ankles in the long run. Working out on gyms is not always that convenient also. Your best bet is to buy a treadmill. There are lots of brands of treadmills available in the market with different price ranges and features which gives you a lot of options. So no matter where you live or how much your income is, you could always find one that would fit your preference.

How to buy a treadmill?

First of all, you need to check out reviews of the product. And after checking it, check other products as well, compare and weigh them both. This way you would get the best suitable one for you. This is very important because rushing in to buy one is suicide. Buying something you are not familiar with is not a good practice. You could also consult people who have treadmills and ask them about their equipment. Remember that the best reviews come from the customers themselves and those people who have experienced using it.

So the moment you change your mind and decide that you would stay active, healthy and fit, consider these tips before buying a treadmill.


If you are an athlete, such as a marathon runner, you may be wondering what to look for in a treadmill for running. Thing is, there are not that many differences to the criteria you would use for running than the criteria used for walking.

That being said, there definitely are a few differences. Because you need it for serious workouts it will have to adhere to the following:

1. A strong motor

You must be sure that the motor is strong as you are going to put it up to the test. You will need power and lots of it. Do not even consider a non-electrical one as you will not be able to make up any good speed on them as you have to push the belt with your feet.

2. A Cushion Flex deck

A Cushion Flex deck will be a good idea as it gives protection to your knees. They get enough of a pounding when you are running on the road; they do not need to get it from the machine as well.

3. The size of the running surface

A most important deciding factor is the size of the running surface. So, if you are wondering what to look for in a treadmill for running, this is a most important aspect to keep in mind. The running surface must be big enough for you to run on it comfortably. If you are short it is not that much of a problem, but for taller persons, giving bigger strides it can be a problem if the running surface is too small.

4. A heart rate monitor

This is probably not as important and can possibly be described as a "nice to have." If you are serious about running you probably have some other form of heart rate monitor in any case.

5. Speed and incline

This is the last point I would like to mention. You have to make sure that the treadmill can deliver the speed and the incline you would like to train at. If a programmable feature is included for you to program your needs, that will be even better.

Do not buy the first one you come across, do your homework and make sure you do the best investment possible.


What you should know about cardio exercise equipment (part II )

 Here is the first part of Cardio Exercise Equipment 

First, be reminded that your body is still the ultimate and best cardio exercise machine

Experts keep on reminding people that any cardio exercise would always be effective if there is enough motivation and determination to perform them. Any machine would not be useful and successful if you would not take the resolve to use it. And there is a need to use cardio exercise equipment correctly and appropriately if you intend to make the use out of it.

Such machines could add fun and excitement to weight training in general. You may opt not to invest in one because you could perform other cardio exercises without the aid of equipment. 
However, if you really want to increase your motivation and condition your body and mind to do exercises, you should buy and use appropriate cardio exercise equipment now.

What is the main purpose of all cardio exercise equipment? 
You may have a quick impression that such machines are designed and marketed to help people lose excessive weight. You are correct in one way. But do you understand how the equipment could do that? Cardio exercises facilitated by such machines tend to move every muscle in the body.

In the process, more oxygen is used up by the muscles during an exercise. The heart would be prompted to pump more blood. The heart rate rises in the process. In the same way, metabolism is accelerated and more stored calories in the body are consumed up. 
Thus, cardio exercise equipment help make people get back to shape. If you are familiar about such machines, you would know which one would help you achieve your goals and make you maximize the effective cardiovascular exercise.  

I want your opinion on this  topics, and what are you think or have to add

Weight loss is an important topic in almost all online forums. Fitness gyms are enjoying huge growth in their memberships. Many consumer products are now offering simple solutions to help people control and lose excessive weight. Everyone simply is into effective weight loss. Experts recommend cardiovascular exercises. Not surprisingly, there are now many and different cardio exercise equipment sold across the market. Such machines vary by brand and by type.

Do you think you need cardio exercise equipment? If you have excessive weight and bulging body fats, you surely are certain about your need to invest in such machines. It is not just another fad, although some people treat it as one. You should decide to tediously and strictly use your cardio exercise equipment if you want to make use of it. Make your investment matter. Such machines are not cheap. That is why you surely would strive to use them to their maximum.

There are many concepts and facts you should know about cardio exercise equipment. Before you go to any retailer to find and buy the best possible cardio machine there is, you should pause for a while and make practical assessments of yourself and of the equipment you are eyeing. 

What should you know about such cardio exercise machines?
